My Enthusiasm? You ate it. On a bun. With relish.
I was just asked by a coworker what happened to my enthusiasm. Apparently I used to have some. Here is the response I gave:
"My enthusiasm was led blindly to the slaughterhouse where is was decapitated and turned in to hot dogs to be eaten by my coworkers."
"My enthusiasm was led blindly to the slaughterhouse where is was decapitated and turned in to hot dogs to be eaten by my coworkers."
and how many hot dogs did you get out of your enthusiasm ? lol
Heh. Get back to work, Meghan.
This is the first time I've visited your blog. I'm not sure which other blog I linked from, but it was someone from the BlogHer circle. I just have to tell you that I LOVE your writing style. You sound so freaking farmiliar to me - maybe like myself? LOL. I have a 13 month old daughter so I understand what it feels like to be in the deepest depths of Hell me, I really do understand. I just wanted to drop a note and say how I think you're cool and I'll read your blog religiously every day from now on. Consider yourself stalked.
mmmm bacon
Maybe you left it at the BlogHer convention.
I am SO feelin' you!
ha ha ha...
That was good...
So going to use that at work one day.
You are such negative, foul mouthed Mommy Blogging slacker! Bwahahaha Which is why I love you girl!
Oh, is that where my enthusiasm went? Um... I don't want it back.
Keep on keepin' on, MofommyBlogher!
See, mofo + mommy = mofommy. =)
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